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On the brink of closing down last Wednesday, the third generation owners of this year-old basement barbershop institution in the Village were ready to walk away, but the staff and loyal customers were not ready for that. Saviello, customers, hair stylists and barbers at Astor place hair stylists had so much to be grateful for as Thanksgiving weekend wrapped up. He knew people. Image by New York Post. Financier Jonathan Trichter had been coming here for 35 years and he put together a group of investors, aged 30 to 50, to save the day.

An Interview with Forsyth County's Gingerbread House Creators
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My Top Ten Instagram Journal Accounts
Astor Place Hairstylists workers, customers thankful for survival
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How To: Slow Cooker Black Beans
LYFE Kitchen – Chicago, IL
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His style is highly recognized and can be seen not only on gallery walls but also on sculptures, furniture and yachts, where he integrates his interior hand. Том Венцль - лицо австрийского поп-арта и благодаря своей работе, устойчивой к ультрафиолетовым лучам, он создал себе имя художника «Венцо». Гораздо больше, чем просто имя, он - бренд.

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Hello world! – Zahnarztpraxis Schiller-Nau
An Interview with Forsyth County's Gingerbread House Creators
Calling all cars – years of automobiles
Hello world! : The Medium
woocommerce-placeholder – Hubble Community Café
RESET FOR Fridge, Freezer | Igloo
My Top Ten Instagram Journal Accounts | Cottage Notebook
Table Tennis Rules | TABLE TENNIS NORTH
Hello world! - Dr Rose Spencer
321 Dental Health week is a special time of the year as we get the opportunity to bring awareness to the importance of oral health. This year, we have decided to highlight a few household products which might contain more sugar than you may think.
473 This is a good blog. Keep up all the work.
95 Fridge, Freezer Turn on the unit ,2 rotate the temperature knob from maximum to minimum for times, 3 Unplug and set the temperature knob to minimum and leave it idle for 30mins.
154 When we were still dating, my husband taught me how his family made Brazilian-style black beans when he was growing up.
262 The speed of events and concentrating on the dedicated efforts of our members to empty the jails and make the Courts safe has made detailed timely reporting difficult. Now as we enter phase two I want to advise we have reason for hope and we are all looking forward to getting back to work.

I have quite a few journal crushes so it was really hard to whittle this down to just ten. All images are owned by the respective artists and are embedded directly from Instagram. You can follow each artist by clicking either their image or their heading as both will bring you directly to Instagram. Hey everyone! How are you doing? Did you have a good day so far?

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